
You can help reach the Unreached

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    Over 3 Billion People with Extremely Limited Access to the Gospel

    An Unreached People Group is an ethnic group with less than 2% evangelical presence [1]. These peoples do not have a self-sustained church able to expand on it’s own and normally encounter extreme difficulty in meeting Christians. Generally they have extremely limited acesso to Christian material or resources.

    • 42% of the Global Population

      Unreached People Groups (UPG's) total 3.11 billion people

    • There are 7,033 Unreached People Groups

      Over 41% of the 16,954 people groups in the world are classified as Unreached.


    How much is being invested?

    Global Christian Income

    • Christians (General) – Trillion USD [3]
    • Evangelicals – Trillion USD [5]

    Investment in “General Ministry”

    • 1.65% of Christian income, or (0 billion) is invested in “Christian Causes”
    • 0.11% of Christian income ( billion) is invested in missions
    • 0.0064% of Christian income (0 million) is invested in “Unreached People Groups” [4]

    Billion Invested in Missions

    • .45b (94.4%) invested in national missions in Christian countries and foreign missions in “Reached” countries.  [6]
    • [.1b (4.6%) toward the “non-Christian” world. This is different than “Unreached” [6]
    • 0 million (1%) to reach Unreached People Groups.  [4]

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      Evangelicals give on average less than 10 cents per month to reach the Unreached

      The Church has more than 3000 times the human resources and 9000 times the financial resources needed to fulfill the Great Commission.

      Hypothetical Cases

      based on the data we have

      Evangelicals give less than 10 cents per month on average to reach the unreached. [7]

      The Church has more than 3000 times the human resources and 9000 times the financial resources needed to fulfill the Great Commission. [5].

      Evangelicals could provide all the financial resources necessary to plan a church in all of the over 7000 unreached people groups with only 0.03% of their income[5].

      Evangelicals could provide all the financial resources necessary to plan a church in all of the over 7000 unreached people groups with only 0.03% of their income[5].

      Peoples and Missions

       Peoples ReachedMinimally Reached PeoplesPeoples UnreachedFont 
      Number of peoples695029877076Joshua Project
      Population3,5 bi829 mi3,13 biJoshua Project
      % Global population46,9%11%42%Joshua Project
      Missionaries309.31577.61013.315Atlas of Global Christianity 2009
      % de Total of Missionaries77,3%19,4%3,3%Atlas of Global Christianity 2009
      • A people group with less than 2% evangelical presence  [1]
      • Inexistent or extremely limited access to the gospel.
      • Includes the Unengaged People Groups, which are people groups with no church planting initiative in active development. Unengaged peoples total 1.5 billion. 59% of Unreached People Groups are Unengaged. [2][1] Joshua Project – Definitions
        [2] Joshua Project – Frontier Peoples

      This definition includes the following categories:
      Least Reached

      • Few Evangelicals, but a significant number who identify as “Christian”.
      • Less then or up to 2% evangelical presence
      • More than 5% and less than 50% “Christian” in a broad sense.

      Superficially Reached

      • Few Evangelicals, but many who identify as “Christian”. High need for spiritual renewal and a dedication to biblical faith.
      • Less than or up to 2% evangelical
      • More than 50% “Christian” in a broad sense.

      Source:  Joshua Project

      This number includes the following two categories of progress of the Gospel in reached areas as defined by the Joshua Project.

      Partially Reached People Groups

      • Between 2% and 10% Evangelical
      • A modest presente of evangelical
      • Public access to Christian or evangelistic material

      Significantly Reached Peoples

      • More than 10% Evangelical
      • Open Acesso to various Christian denominations
      • Open and easy access to Christian and evangelistic material

      [1] Joshua Project – Progress Scale
      [2] Joshua Project

      There are 900 churches for each unreached people group.
      Source: USCWM, Mission Frontiers, 2001

      There are 89,000 Evangelical Christians for each unreached people group.
      Number calculated using 630 million evangelicals including pentecostals, and 7076 unreached peoples.
      Source:CNEF, GLOBAL STATISTICS 2017,, France, accessed November 18, 2017 e Joshua Project.

      Uncomfortable Observations

      There are 900 churches for each unreached people group.
      Fonte: USCWM, Mission Frontiers, 2001

      There are 89,000 Evangelical Christians for each unreached people group.
      Number based on 630 million evangelicals including Pentecostals, and 7076 Unreached People Groups
      Sources: CNEF, GLOBAL STATISTICS 2017,, France, accessed November 18, 2017 e Joshua Project.

      The Church has more than 3000 times the human resources and 9000 times the financial resources needed to fulfill the Great Commission.

      Evangelicals could provide all the financial resources necessary to plan a church in all of the over 7000 unreached people groups with only 0.03% of their income[5].
      Observations based on stats from the International Bulletin of Missionary Research, Vol. 39 No. 1 , o World Christian Database, 2015, e World Christian Trends, Pg. 656. Observation noted by the Travelling Team.
