4 – 구원의 (KR-4)
하나님 께서 당신의 백성을 노예 제도에서 구원하실 때, 그는 자신 만이 하나님임을 보여줍니다. 열 번째 전염병 동안, 죽음을 피할 수있는 유일한 방법은 죄와 죽음에 대한 속박의 세계의 미래 구원을 가리 킵니다.
하나님 께서 당신의 백성을 노예 제도에서 구원하실 때, 그는 자신 만이 하나님임을 보여줍니다. 열 번째 전염병 동안, 죽음을 피할 수있는 유일한 방법은 죄와 죽음에 대한 속박의 세계의 미래 구원을 가리 킵니다.
Chave pix: sinval.filho@gmail.com
Banco: 336 – Banco C6 S.A.
Agência: 0001
Conta Corrente: 2621896-8
CPF: 307.657.728-09
Nome: Sinval José Silva Filho
Chave pix: 8499652-7595
Banco do Brasil
Agência 1668-3
Conta corrente 27827-0
Wesley de Morais Rego
CPF 066.420.774-07
Agência 0001
Conta corrente 66427543-3
Wesley de Morais Rego
CPF 066.420.774-07
After recognizing his missionary calling, Matheus made the decision to serve full-time at Light in Action. He works in Machinery and Electrical, in addition to being the Property Manager at Light in Action. Matheus and his wife, Etiene, live in Parnamirim/RN and are parents to Samuel.
As a missionary, Matheus relies entirely on financial support from partners who contribute to enable him to serve with his gifts and skills at Light in Action.
If you would like to support him, sign up now as a sponsor!
To support Matheus and his family, please send an email to emailmatheuscandido@gmail.com.
Agência 0001
Conta corrente 11577616-8
Matheus de Oliveira Batista Candido
CPF 700.474.834-07
Legal Assistance
Lucas Araújo
CPF: 701.435.914-28
PIX: lucas@luzemacao.com
Caixa Econômica
Agência: 02758
Op 013
C/P: 801651304-0
Banco Brasil (001)
Agência: 2256-x
C/P: 36175-5
Var: 51
Sinval coordena o avanço estratégico da Luz em Ação em São Paulo, e tem atuado em produções como codiretor e roteirista.
Casado há 17 anos com Luciana Leite e pai do Daniel, de 4 anos de idade, também é Diretor da Lion Editora, especializada em cultura pop cristã. Sinva também é Pastor voluntário em Osasco, cidade onde mora, responsável pelo ministério de empreendedores local. A sua formação abrange Bacharel em Teologia e Comunicação Social, MBA em Gestão de Empresas e pós graduação em Historia, Arqueologia e Geografia Bíblica.
Se deseja apoiá-lo, faça uma oferta voluntária.
Leonel atua no departamento financeiro, gerenciando todos os pagamentos, compras e recebimento de doações para a Luz em Ação.
Mobilization, Fundraising
Ezequiel is an executive producer for strategic advancement, primarily working representing Light in Action in the center-west and northern regions of Brazil. He is a Chaplain, writer, speaker, editor for Our Daily Bread, and also represents the ministry Faith Comes By Hearing.
Ezequiel é produtor executivo para avanço estratégico e atua principalmente nas regiões oeste e norte do Brasil. Ele é Capelão, escritor, palestrante, editor do Pão Diário e representa também o ministério Fé Vem Pelo Ouvir.
Ezequiel é missionário e seu sustento financeiro vem de parceiros que contribuem para que possa servir com seus dons e habilidades na Luz em Ação.
Se desejar apoiá-lo, inscreva-se agora como mantenedor!
Pastor Council
Júnior is a pastor at the Igreja Cristã Eterna Aliança (Eternal Alliance Christian Church) and our counselor.
Producer – Fiscal Council (Brazil)
Producer and entrepreneur with extensive experience in cultural and audiovisual production.
Tetelestai Project Advancement
Cynthia is a screenwriter and presenter for the Tetelestai Project. Along with her husband, she works to represent and spread the vision of the Tetelestai Project, developing partnerships for dubbing and broadcasting the series on networks and channels. Cynthia has a heart surrendered to Jesus and desires to see people reached by the wonderful message of Salvation.
Alane is a Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) speaker and works translating Light in Action’s productions into Libras. In addition to her involvement with Light in Action, Alane works professionally as an interpreter for events, institutions, and audiovisual productions. Married and a mother of two, she has a deep desire in her heart to reach the deaf community with the Gospel. Her interests include accessibility, theology, and counseling.
Email: alane@luzemacao.com
Translation Coordinator
Rui Damasceno is Ariel’s husband and the father of Pedro Asaphe, Zoe Marrie and the newborn Ayla. They have always been active in missionary work and are now part of the Tetelestai Project team, which is translating the series into the Creole language of Guinea-Bissau in West Africa. Rui’s focus is on preaching the Gospel, mobilizing, and training other brothers and sisters to engage in missionary work. Become a supporting partner of Rui and his family—get in touch now.
Translation Coordinator
Ag. 3224
Cc 500184-6
President – Light in Action Inc
Arlen is the president of Light in Action (USA) and the director of the Tetelestai Project. He and his wife Cynthia have a great love for Jesus Christ. They wrote the script and present the Tetelestai series. They live and serve with their children in the northeast of Brazil.
Art Department
Aryanne is a photographer and works in the Art department, assisting with set production, decoration, and costumes for Light in Action films. She has a degree in tourism and worked for years in photo editing. Today, she dedicates most of her time to raising her children and homeschooling, supporting her husband, who is also a missionary. She loves Jesus Christ and wants to see Him known and glorified!
Financial Oversight (Brazil)
Cauê is a businessman and entrepreneur. He assists with the financial management of Light in Action.
Legal Assistance
Jane works in coordination and legal advisory for the Light in Action Association. She is married to Júnior Baczinski and is a mother of three In 2020, she moved from the state of Santa Catarina, where she worked as a lawyer, to Rio Grande do Norte. She has a missionary vision to serve, preach the Gospel, and contribute to reaching the Unreached Peoples.
Jane is a missionary and all their financial support comes from partners who contribute so they can serve with their gifts and skills in Light in Action. If you would like to support them, sign up now as a supporter!
Administrative Assistant – Tetelestai Project
Lucas serves as an interpreter at Light in Action and as the coordinator for the Tetelestai translation into Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). Additionally, he collaborates with the Light in Action Store. Lucas holds a degree in Theology from the Peniel Biblical Institute and has been sent by the Baptist Church of Macaíba as a missionary.
His missionary work is fully supported by partners whose contributions allow him to use his gifts and skills in the ministry. If you would like to support Lucas in his mission, sign up now as a Partner and be a part of this work!
Art Costumes
Stefanie is an art and costume producer and has a talent for developing special effects makeup. She is a mother of three and is also part of the communications team, responsible for engaging people on our English social media profiles and connecting them to the work of reaching the Unreached Peoples.
Júnior has been a member since 2020 and works in the administrative management of Light in Action. Júnior and Jane are from Santa Catarina, parents of three children, and have a willing and joyful heart for preaching. They have served together in ministry since their arrival, working to reach unreached people groups.
Júnior and Jane Zanotelli are missionaries, and all their financial support comes from partners who contribute so they can serve with their gifts and skills at Light in Action. If you would like to support them, sign up now as a Partner!
Executive Director (Brazil) – Board Member (USA)
Marcelo is a director and producer responsible for developing media strategies and for the Middle East & South Asia. After completing his theological studies, he is using his skill in entrepreneurship and film production to reach the Unreached in their own language.
Kenio serves as IT and Logger at Light in Action. He holds a degree in Information Technology Management (IT). Married to Renata and father of two children, Kenio loves promoting and using tools for preaching the Gospel. Together with his family, he aims to contribute to reaching the Unreached Peoples.
Husband, father, son, brother, and servant of the Lord!!!!
Communication, 1st Assistant Camera
Communication, 1st Assistant Camera
Wesley works in the Production field and is the Communications Coordinator at Light in Action. He holds degrees in Audiovisual Studies and Journalism. He worked as a professional photographer. In 2019, recognizing his missionary calling, Wesley decided to serve full-time at Light in Action. He and his wife Larissa live in Natal, RN, and have two children: Thomas and Matias.
Wesley is a missionary, and all of his financial support comes from partners who contribute so that he can serve with his gifts and skills at Light in Action.
President, Luz em Ação (Brazil)
In addition to leading the vision of Light in Action in Brazil, André is a director of photography and visual effects (VFX). He completed his theological studies in the United States and now serves Christ alongside his family, carrying the vision of reaching the Unreached Peoples.